Sitecore Patch Files

As anyone familiar with Sitecore’s guide of recommended practices, changing the <sitecore> section of the Web.config file directly is frowned upon.  Rather, developers should use things called Sitecore configuration include files, or patch files.  By default, these are stored in the /App_Config/Includes folder of the website.

There are plenty of blog articles about them on the internet, however there was one specific feature that seems to be relatively unknown: the set namespace. Continue reading Sitecore Patch Files

Setting Sitecore ImageField

Update: this post uses an older version of the Sitecore API. For an up-to-date solution, please see this updated article.

Recently I had to write something to allow users to upload their own content on a Sitecore site. Not an unusual, or especially difficult, piece of functionality but one thing that did give me a bit of trouble was associating uploaded images (in the media library) with the Sitecore item’s image field. Continue reading Setting Sitecore ImageField

Sitecore v6.0

Yesterday I took my “upgrade” certification exam to upgrade my Sitecore 5.3 certification that I obtained last August to to the recently released version 6.0. Sitecore is a highly adaptable and extremely powerful CMS that bit10 chose as its CMS of choice.  After reviewing a fair number of competing offerings (including Amaxus and Ektron), we found Sitecore to be a superior offering. Continue reading Sitecore v6.0